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Hey, I'm Shelby!

I’m a Phoenix native with a passion for helping small, local businesses and creatives flourish the best way I can: with a kick-ass website. I’ve had a deep love for everything about computers since childhood, which lead me to formally study such subjects as computer programming, networking, and website design and development in my adolescence and well into my adult life. After spending the first five years of my career mastering the world of pizza-chain restaurant management, I decided it was time to go back to school and pursue my lifelong goals in the tech field.
I launched Jumpin’ Fred Flash (Channel 37 Online as of 2023) in 2017 after working for a large web hosting company where I helped people fix and start up their websites. After hearing countless grievances and horror stories of web developer-client relationships gone wrong, I quickly identified a need for someone with technical and creative skills, and a heart, in the web development world. I get a kick out of learning about each one of my clients and their goals, and seeing our collaborations come to life.
Since 2018, I’ve played web developer roles as a freelancer for my own company, as a contractor, and as a part-time or full-time employee for other companies. Currently, I have full-time job as a developer on a design team for a company who manages websites and marketing for addiction treatment and mental heath treatment centers across the US.
Basically, websites are my entire life.
When I’m not tinkering with websites, you can find me at a local brewery or restaurant somewhere around the valley, or out thrifting for vintage technology. Sometimes I take a break to hang with my favorite people, or just melt in front of the TV with a cold beer to enjoy my favorite shows.
Below are some short interviews I have done for a few online publications!